Worship is what we do!
Everyone is welcome to join us at any of our church services. We also stream a service from Tring each week.
​Keep scrolling down if you would like more information about what to expect at the different services
Usual Sunday Service Pattern

Midweek Services
Tuesday 9.15 am Tring Holy Communion CW
Tuesday 10 am Wilstone Holy Communion CW or Morning Prayer CW
We alternate which service we have each week. Wilstone does not have Sunday services but has a service every Tuesday.
Thursday 10 am Tring Holy Communion BCP
This Week's Live Stream
Holy Communion cw Service
30th March 10am

Tring Team Parish - 10am 30th March - Mothering Sunday
Worship for All
Worship for All is the name we give to our church services where we all worship together but there is more provision for children, however they are for everyone.
These services are fun, with singing and activities for the whole family to engage in worship. The service duration is usually about 45 minutes.
These are our most relaxed services. Some people who are new to church find these a good place to start.
Where to find a Worship for All Service.
1st Sunday of the Month - Aldbury
2nd Sunday of the Month - Tring
4th Sunday of the Month - Tring and 3rd Sunday of month in Aldbury we have a more relaxed (Communion service suitable for all ages.
NB in Tring on 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month there is an activity for the children so that they can worship with their families.

Holy Communion
What is communion?
Communion is how we remember all that Jesus did. His life, his death, his rising from the tomb, and his promise to be with us and to make God known.
In the communion service we meet as the Lord has commanded us: to break the bread and drink the cup in memory of him.
(1 Corinthians 11.23-35)
Holy communion is the central act of worship in our churches. On a Sunday at 10 am a communion service is roughly one hour long. There will be hymns, bible readings and a sermon as part of the service. A midweek communion is about half an hour.
At a communion service:
We come together in the name of Christ to give thanks to seek forgiveness to hear God’s word, to pray for the needs of the world, and, to share in the mystery of Christ’s being present with us by sharing the bread and wine of his body and blood that by the power of the Holy Spirit we may give ourselves to the service of God.
Children's activities at 10am
Tring, Aldbury and Long Marston
It is good for families to be together in church. Children engage with worship differently to adults so we always try to have an activity that they can take part on during the service. This may well be a craft activity and is usually supported by someone from the congregation. At our 10 am services in Tring Aldbury and Long Marston there is always provision for children.
This may well be in a different area of the church so children can move around to where the activity is and do it their or bring back to their pew. We are very adaptable to what work for the child and their family.
In the picture children made lego churches thinking about how everyone is welcome.
In the Tring Team Parish we prepare children to receive communion before confirmation. We are shaped by our worship and by receiving Holy Communion. It is something for All Ages and it is important that we all worship together.
In Aldbury Church there is a Sunday Club in the Chapter House on the second Sunday of every month during the first part of the morning service. Children’s craft activities related to the theme of the service are available in the side chapel during the service on third, fourth and fifth Sundays.

Simple Communion
What we believe is expressed in the words we use in our worship (we call this the liturgy)
In our service books we have an option for a simple communion. This tries to use slightly less churchy language and uses language which all ages might understand. Far from dumbing down this helps us to think more deeply about our faith and to express it in every day language.
In these services we also sometimes used some different styles of music such as the Clap Hands Gloria or a Peruvian Gloria.
Traditional Language
Holy Communion
Our traditional language services come from The Book of Common Prayer.
It is poetic in feel and connects our worship to those from over 500 hundred year ago. These services tend not to contain music or hymns.
The beauty of the prose, and some of the magnificent prayers, has meant that the Book of Common Prayer is one of the most important books in the English language, and generations of churchgoers have grown up with it. For members of the Church of England it is the defining text as to what it is to be an Anglican. Some people find that the familiarity of the words helps them to pray in a more profound way. Others find the language a stumbling block in their worship.

Sunday Worship or Morning Prayer
This is our standard service when we don't have Holy Communion. We have this alternate weeks in Wilstone (on a Tuesday) and occasionally elsewhere.
Based on the Church of England’s modern ‘Common Worship’ format, with beautiful words, prayers, hymns and scripture throughout. The service duration is usually 45–60 minutes.
The service can be led by one of our vicars or a lay minister.
Other afternoon & evening services
Evening Prayer
Quiet, calm evening prayers taken from the Celtic Tradition of worship. A perfect way to end the weekend. The service duration is usually 25-30 minutes. In winter this service may move to being on zoom. This is monthly at 6 pm at Long Marston.
BCP Evensong:
This is a sung, traditional language service, taken from the ‘Book of Common Prayer’. It is poetic in feel and connects our worship to those from over 500 hundred year ago. This is held monthly at 3.30 pm in the beautiful and peaceful St Mary's Church, Puttenham. There is often an afternoon tea at the end of the service.

Communion at home
Reserved sacrament is stored in the aumbry in Tring Church. We are pleased to bring communion to those who are housebound either as a one off occasion or on a regular basis (normally monthly) for those who are not able to attend church for whatever reason.
Please contact one of the ministry team for more information

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