If you’d like to be married in church, then we’re here to help!
Marrying in church is meaningful, spiritual and beautiful - just how you want it to be.
Can I get married in church?
You're welcome to marry in the Church of England whatever your beliefs, whether or not you are christened and regardless of whether you go to church or not. It's your church, and we welcome you! We are here to help you prepare for your wedding day.
There are some legal requirements that need to be met in
order for you to marry here (see below); we will say ‘yes’ to
you if we possibly can!
We have churches in Tring, Aldbury, Puttenham, Long Marston and Wilstone. If you live within the Tring Team Parish you are able to get married in any of our five churches. The first thing to do is to call or email the minister responsible for the church in which you would like to be married. If you are not sure which church you would like to use call anyone of us and we can help advise.

LGBTQ+ / Same Sex relationships
As a parish we are delighted to be able to welcome you to celebrate the gift of love and to do this at a service in the presence of God. Sadly the law does not yet allow us to conduct a legal wedding service for same sex couples but please talk to us about what we can do. Everyone is welcome in our parish. We would like to tell you what we can do and not what we cannot do. We are also committed to campaigning for change in the life of the wider church.
Wedding Resources
Below are a number of downloads which might be helpful in planning your weddings.
We will give these to you as paper pack when we meet you.
(NB we have fewer weddings in Wilstone and Long Marston so we don't have a leaflet for those churches)
The Costs
We try and keep the cost of your wedding as low as possible, and if cost is a problem please talk to us. The basic wedding cost is £569 which includes the marriage fees as laid down by Parliament, the fee for the Publication of Banns of Marriage, and a charge of £30 which is paid to a verger to get the church ready for your wedding.