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Tring Team

Our five churches work together and are governed by the Tring Team Parochial Church Council. We meet every other month and have interesting and lively discussions. If you are interested in finding out more, please speak to any of the clergy.


Electoral Roll

This year a complete new ER is being made.  Below is the notice of revision.  The forms will be available from 30th March.


Tring PCC

The following were elected to the Tring Team PCC at the Annual Meeting in May

Churchwardens: Gill Kinsey and Kate Stratford (Tring), Jane Brown (Aldbury), and Christine Rutter (Puttenham)

Elected members of the PCC: Celestria Bell, Ian Munro, Janet Goodyer, Beryl Poll, Elizabeth Stephenson, Maria Lashley, Ted Oram, Vivianne Child and Henry Keighley-Elstub

Deanery Synod Reps: Mike Watkin and Tim James

Ex-officio members: Revds Huw Bellis, Jane Banister and Michelle Grace. Jon Reynolds, Lay Reader and Safeguarding Officer.

Parish Co-ordinators, John Whiteman and Vivianne Child

PCC Secretary: Janet Goodyer

Parish AGM

On Wednesday 15th May 2024 we had our Annual Parish 
Below are the 2023 minutes, and the Parish report and the accounts.


A faculty is ecclesiastical planning permission for a listed building.


We are fortunate to have five magnificent churches.  Three of them are Grade 1* medieval buildings and two are listed Victorian buildings.  As well as having to look after them and make them relevant for worship in the 21st Century it is important that we have the correct planning permission in place.  Below are our current planning application notices.


We have a faculty application for a digital organ for Tring Church. Please see faculty notice for more information.

Lynn with Maul and Chisel.jpg

Contact 01442 822170 or email

Registered with Charity Commission 1132255

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