Our Parish
On these pages you can find out more about us and what we do.

Parish Groups
There are many different groups for all ages and interests. We hope that you will find a group or groups that suit you.
An important part of our Church life is the opportunity to belong and to feel part of a Church family. A central element of being a family is interdependence: all are needed and valued and each person is important to the whole. This is sometimes hard with in the larger organisation which is our Team Parish, however we have a number of parish groups in which deeper friendships and relationships can be formed as we journey together on the way of faith. You are invited to join in with any of these groups to meet new friends in our church community.
Quiet Days
Central to our parish life are regular quiet days. We use the beautiful setting of Puttenham Church to be able to get away for a time of spiritual refreshment
A quiet day can offer us the opportunity to pray and reflect, to study or read, to get creative, to walk and to just be in God’s presence, with no interruptions, making space to listen to and encounter God.

Tring Foodbank
The Food Bank in Tring church is usually open Mondays to Fridays. There will be a volunteer on duty every week day from 10 am - 12 noon. Please leave donations in the blue box in the porch during these times, or bring to a service. It is helpful to donate goods from the High Needs List on the DENS website, see button below. The Food Bank is for emergency support. Those in need can get vouchers from The Citizens Advice, call to get a voucher 0808 208 2138 free phone.
Outside of those hours please call Trish 07720836930
Eco Church
We in the Tring Team Parish are committed to responding to the climate emergency. We are aware that we have a lot to do - it is challenging to make a medieval church energy efficient.
As a first step a number of our churches have been awarded bronze awards in the eco churches scheme and we are actively working to improve this

Everybody is welcome
Faith, hope and love abide
but the greatest of these is love
As the Anglican Church in Tring and surrounding area, we hope and strive to be a loving, welcoming and caring community that follows Christ and listens to the Holy Spirit. We believe therefore that we are called to be an inclusive church welcoming all no matter what their gender or sexual orientation might be. We believe that faithful and committed relationships are a gift from God to all of us regardless of our gender or sexual orientation. We believe this and are proud to say so.
As a member of the Inclusive Church network we in the Tring Team Parish are committed to resisting "acts and systems of discrimination, no matter how unpopular that resistance might be". Sadly that includes resisting the discrimination on the basis of gender and sexual orientation which remains embedded in the life of the Church of England.
As a parish we have always supported women's ministry. In 1986 Janet Ridgway was licensed as a 'deaconess' and in 1994 was amongst the first women to be ordained priest. There have been women priests serving in the parish ever since. It is a huge sadness to us that women continue to be discriminated in the wider church.
Women and the Church (WATCH), is a national campaign group for gender equality in the Church of England. The Church of England continues to allow discrimination on the basis of gender. We encourage everyone to consider becoming a member of WATCH until such discrimination is removed from the life of our national church.

The Piano and More concert series was started in 2017 and takes place in the beautiful setting of Tring’s mediaeval Parish Church. The series centres around the 1906 Bechstein grand piano which the church acquired in January 2017, and has involved many local musicians - pianists, singers, instrumentalists and conductors. A regular series of hour long Sunday afternoon concerts has been established, usually on the second Sunday of each month, and additional concerts have also taken place at other times.
Although the concerts are free there is always a retiring collection that goes to the upkeep of the piano and for church funds. If you would like to donate, please visit the giving page, and enter Piano and More as reference. Thank you

The February concert on 9th February, sees Leon Bosch conducting an orchestra led by Marion Garrett to present a Haydn symphony ("The Philosopher", played last New Year's Day at Vienna’s famous Annual Concert) and a Symphonia Concertante by Johannes Sperger (1750-1812) with Helen Godbolt playing the solo cello part. For the full programme, click here.
Full details of the programme can be found on the website.
Although the concert is free, we are so grateful for donations towards expenses that enable us to put on these concerts. Our expenses include maintenance of the piano, church expenses that go towards heating the church for the concert, and refreshments. Thank you for your generosity.
Our March concert is on Sunday 9th March and will be a concert by senior music students at Tring School, directed by the head of music, Susan Stephens. A Piano & more Young Artists concert.