Our Churches
The Tring Team Parish consists of five churches on the edge of the Chilterns. Tring itself is a market town of 14,000 with the church of St Peter and St Paul, and there are four village churches: All Saints, Long Marston; St Cross, Wilstone; St Mary’s, Puttenham; and St John the Baptist, Aldbury, all of which have a modern liberal outlook, but worship in a wide range of styles.
We work together as a single parish but each church serves its local community. If you are familiar with the structures of the Church of England, there is a PCC to run the parish (for things like mission, education and so on) and each church has a district council to look after the worship and the fabric of the local church.
St. Peter & St. Pauls - Tring
Tring Church is a large and lively community with our main Sunday worship service at 10am.
We are a community of all ages, from babes in arms to those in their nineties. On most Sundays there is a craft activity for our younger people (but anyone can take part!) Our normal service is Holy Communion. On the second Sunday our Worship for All service is shorter without communion and is led by our music group, on other Sundays we have a small robed choir and a magnificent organ. Our early morning service is generally BCP so we offer all styles for all tastes.
We are fortunate enough to meet in a magnificent medieval building with about 250 members. Post Covid our congregation has dropped in size a little but is slowly rebuilding. Currently on a normal Sunday we have 15 - 20 at the early service and between 60 and 100 at the main 10 am service.
One of the most important things about St Peter and St Paul’s is that it is open every day. This open-ness is more than being a church which is physically open. It is our whole mindset – we are open to God and to questions about God. We take seriously that God is working in the lives of all people and none of us has all of the answers but together we paint a picture of God. There is a parish hall next to the church.

St. John the Baptist - Aldbury
St John the Baptist Church is an active village church with our main Sunday worship at 10.00am.
We have a 10 am service every Sunday which is normally a communion and on the 1st Sunday of the month it is Worship for All service which is more informal. Our schedule can be found on the All Team Services calendar. Our usual congregation is 30 - 35 people. Once a month there is an early morning BCP communion service.
The congregation and the wider village community play a full and vital part in our church life. We are a broad church in the liberal catholic tradition.
We are a community that cares. We care about our faith, we care about our community, we care about each other, we care about our church building and our church yard.
The church is open daily throughout the year as a place of prayer for all people. There are close links with Aldbury School which is a Church School. There is a small hall attached to the church.
There is a Vicarage in the village directly opposite the church.
All Saints - Long Marston
All Saints is a small village church with an informal yet flexible approach to our Sunday service at either 10am or 6 pm.
Although the pattern is varied, the style is adapted to the congregation that turns up on the day. Quite often the whole of the congregation can be under 50 years old with a high proportion of children. The only rota that exists at All Saints is “who is bringing the milk for coffee this week”. Post Covid our congregation is a bit thin on the ground.
Long Marston itself is a village of about 250 houses and a pub. Whilst the church can be the coldest place in the village in winter the warmth of welcome from the small congregation is wonderful. There are close links with Long Marston School which is a Voluntary Aided Church School.
We have an open churchyard, a wonderful interior and an historic organ.
Jane is our Vicar. You can find her contact details on the contacts page. Sadly we are not able to keep the church open every day but if you would like to arrange a visit please call Jane.

St. Cross - Wilstone
“The Small Church with a Big Heart”
St Cross is at the heart of the Wilstone village community.
We are becoming more informal as a church and now have a modern style service every Tuesday at 10 am. This alternates between a communion service and morning prayer service. We also have communion at Easter and Christmas..
The church is open every day so feel free to call in to visit us. Even if no one is there to welcome you there will be tea and coffee stuff out on the side so you can make yourself a drink and enjoy our church.
Please do fill in our visitor book, if you are visiting!
St. Mary's - Puttenham
Puttenham is a tiny village with an ancient church. We celebrate festivals and we have a monthly evensong from the Book of Common Prayer on the 4th Sunday of each month at 3.30 pm.
Puttenham is certainly the church for those who want a beautiful village setting with the timeless beauty of the Book of Common Prayer. There is an excellent hall next door to the church which makes St Mary’s ideal for weddings.
Puttenham is also renowned for its hospitality, whether that is the glorious afternoon tea served at Choral Evensong, the infamous trifles at the Harvest lunch, or the lethal Puttenham punch at the Lessons and Carols.
The Vicar at Puttenham is Huw. You can find his details on the contacts page. The church is open on Sundays for visitors, if you would like to visit at another time, please contact Christine the churchwarden by email