When someone dies, there's so much to think about and organise. We understand how difficult this can be, and we can help you say your final goodbye in a way that really helps.
A Church of England funeral is available for anyone in their own parish, whether they were churchgoers or not. Funerals can be led by a church minister in the local church or at a crematorium or cemetery. We work closely with the local funeral directors to enable you to have the right service.
It’s up to you if you would like a burial or a cremation. In Aldbury, Long Marston and Puttenham we have burials in our church yards. In Tring and Wilstone there can be burials at the civic cemeteries, close to the churches. If your preference is for a cremation you can either have the service in church or a minister will come with you to the crematorium and take the service in their chapel.
By choosing a Christian service, whether in church or at the crematorium you are acknowledging that we are more than flesh and blood, there is a spiritual dimension to each person’s life. The deceased will have had their own individual characteristics and personality and we will give thanks for these. We will help you create a service which is personal and which reflects the life of the deceased.
The church’s tradition and theological framework helps us to make some sense of death; the prayers and words which we use help give a structure to a funeral service. Sometimes people are fearful that we will impose religion on them - a funeral is not the time or place for this. At the service we will give thanks for the life of the deceased, comfort those who are grieving, and proclaim a hope that this is not the end.

The Costs
We try and keep the cost of funerals as low as possible and if there is a problem please speak to us. However, the church fees are only a small part of the cost of a funeral.
A service in church or at the crematorium is about £230 (there may be an additional charge for organists and heating in church).
A burial in one of our church yards is another £320 (there will be additional costs for the gravedigger)
Who to call?
It is quite common for your funeral director to 'book' the minister for you.
If that is the case we will take responsibility to call you to arrange a meeting so you dont need to worry at all.
However if you would like to speak to any of us about a funeral please email or call.
Call or email Michelle

Tring and Puttenham
Call or email Huw

Long Marston and Wilstone
Call or email Jane

Ongoing Support
Wherever you live, wherever the funeral takes places, whatever your link to the person who has died, the Church of England is available for you afterwards. Whether the funeral has happened recently or many years ago, discover here the different ways in which your local church is here for you.
A place to be:
sometimes after a funeral all that is needed is a place to sit and think. All over the country churches are open all day, every day, and anyone can walk in and take a few
moments in the peace and quiet. Our churches in Aldbury, Tring and Wilstone are open everyday - they are open for you.
A place to pray:
In Aldbury, Tring and Wilstone churches we have space set aside for personal prayer and a place to light a candle. Simply lighting a candle is an act of prayer. Pause for a moment and hold your needs before God.
A place to talk:
sometimes a funeral prompts big questions about life and death. We are here to listen to your thoughts, and help you make sense of what has happened. The Church of England has centuries of experience in thinking about life and
death, so it’s a good place to take your questions.
A place to go:
Every Sunday, and in the week, Christians gather together in our churches to give thanks to God, to pray, and to know God’s strength for the week ahead. Some services are quiet and peaceful, others are more lively. Everyone is welcome – check out the times of our church services and come
A place for your loved one's name.
In St Peter & St Paul’s in Tring and St John’s in Aldbury, there are Books of Remembrance where the names are displayed on the anniversary of their death. Both churches are normally open every day. There is no charge for this but donations are gratefully received. Download the leaflet below to apply.

C of E Light a Candle
Lighting a candle can be a helpful way to pray for someone. You can do this online on the Church of England website.
An online candle will help you think about someone who has died and pray for all those who miss them.
Tring Aldbury and Wilstone Churches are usually open during the day and most have places where you can light a real candle.