Meet the Vicars
You can find out a little bit more about our ministry team below. We are always happy to hear from you. Feel free to call or email at anytime. We cannot promise an instantaneous response but we will do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible.
If you, or a relative, needs one of us to visit you at home, or in a hospital, please call. We don't always manage to spot who needs a visit, but we are very happy to visit if you let us know.
Meet the wider ministry team
We are very lucky to have a number of readers, lay ministers and retired priests all of whom hold a Bishop's licence to exercise ministry in our parish. They add a richness to the worship we offer.
Meet the admin team
We have two part time administrators. Please be patient if it takes time to hear back from them. They try and do a lot in not many hours.
General Admin
Trish Dowden mainly works to help try and keep the clergy on track, keep diaries up to date, and so on. If you need to contact her please use email but don’t expect an instantaneous response as she does not work regular hours. It is particularly helpful to email her if there is something that the clergy must not forget to do or if you want to get something into the church diary.
Pewsheets and Notices & PCC Secretary
Janet Goodyer tends to do the notices on a Wednesday or Thursday. Notices to go into these should be short and emailed to her by midday on a Wednesday. If you would like to be added to (or removed from) the e-pewsheet list you can email her too. Notices for the pewsheet should always include which of our fives churches / communities you are talking about.. She also looks after the website, if you notice anything amiss, contact her.
Treasury Team
We don't have a single treasurer but we have a team of people who keep our finances on track. They have a shared email. John Whiteman has a strategic overview of our finances and crunches the numbers. Peter Williams looks after money coming in. Lucy Brittain makes payments. If you need to write to the treasury team or to post a cheque please use Peter's address: Mr Peter Williams, 18 Clarkes Spring, Tring Station, Tring HP23 5QL
Meet the lay leadership team
Ministry is something which is shared by all in the parish. Lots of people have a wide variety of ministries. Church wardens have a particular role to play in the life of each of our district churches. As a team parish we also have two parish co-ordinators. They help set the strategic direction of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and take a lead in our Mission Action Planning. In some ways they can be regarded as Church Wardens for the Parish as a whole.
Church Wardens.
Church Specific Contacts
Please also visit the individual church pages to meet more of the team