the beginning of an amazing journey
Baptisms & Christenings
Infant Baptism in the Tring Team Parish
We are delighted that you are thinking about a christening. Your child is precious to you and precious to God. You want the very best for them and so does God. You want them to make the right choices for themselves and others.
A christening marks an important point on this journey through life.
At the Christening your child will be baptised. It is the first step of an amazing journey with God, supported by parents, godparents, friends, family and the church. A lifetime of discovering more about love, faith and hope begins – a wonderful moment to celebrate.
Can my child be Christened?
Yes, so long as they have not been baptised already. The Church of England welcomes all babies, children and families for christenings – whatever shape that family takes. You do not have to be married or have been a regular churchgoer – as a parent, you do not even have to have been baptised yourself – though you could be. Everyone is welcome at their local church.
If you live in the Tring Team Parish, that is Tring, Aldbury, Long Marston, Wilstone or Puttenham or you have a special connection with one of those churches, give the Vicar a call.

The Next Steps
The Vicar taking the service will come round to meet you.
Book with Mike to go to a baptism preparation session - see More information for parents below.
Fill in a baptism application form and return at least four weeks before the baptism.
Come to a thanksgiving service.
Come to the Christening service.
Join us for a formal welcome.

Application Form
It is important for us to get the correct information. The service is only ‘booked’ when we have received the form back from you either electronically or by hand. We need it back at least four weeks before the baptism. The details go into the baptism register; part of the official records of the land.
Parents Information
Starting your child on an amazing journey
By choosing to have your child christened you are giving your child the best possible start. Your child will be taking their first steps on an amazing journey. A christening marks the start of a lifetime of discovery about the Christian faith and how life-changing that can be. It’s a journey of surprises, challenges and adventure. And through it all, God is always with us.
Godparents Information
Choosing Godparents is big decision
You'll want them to be good friends to you and your family for many years. You’ll want someone who will help your child make good choices in life, and someone who will help them find out more about the Christian faith. Godparents need to have been baptised themselves for this special role. You may want to speak to the Vicar about this.
Thanksgiving Information
Please come to one of our regular Sunday services for a thanksgiving before the baptism. The gift of a child is a wonderful thing. Life is precious. The thanksgiving is an opportunity to join with the regular churchgoers to give thanks for your child. No water is used because the baptism is something that happens at a later date.